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IT Infrastructure Consulting

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    How Investment in IT Infrastructure Consulting Proves Strategic?

    Before proceeding with the process, components & how IT Infrastructure consulting can prove strategic, let us first describe whom it is meant for based on some key decision-making factors.


    Organizations which are evolving super-fast and want their IT Infrastructure to adapt its speed.

    Legacy Infrastructure

    Organizations which have legacy infrastructures where data silos are a biggest concern causing delayed customer query resolutions.

    Cyber Security

    Organizations who want to tackle potential cyber-attacks and need cyber security certified IT Infrastructure Consultants which are ahead of the curve.


    Organizations which want to focus on R&D and innovation leaving the routine ticketing, backups & process execution to expert IT Infrastructure Consultants.

    In House IT Infrastructure

    Organizations which have in house IT Infrastructure teams but needs experts to consult them and churn out their maximum potential and lead from front whenever necessary.

    Downtime & Disruptions

    Organizations which either have frequent downtimes or those who cannot afford a downtime.

    Cost Optimization

    Organizations who want to 4X their IT infrastructure strength yet cutting the operational costs.

    Here are some quick facts from global top notch research organizations about how a poorly managed IT Infrastructure hinders your growth trajectory in more than one way.

    • The average IT downtime cost per hour can be as high as $1 million – An IDC survey.
    • The global average data breach cost has reached $4.35 million, an all-time high in the United States – Cost of Data Breach Report by IBM Security and Ponemon Institute.
    • Over 59% of Fortune 500 companies experience a minimum of 1.6 hours of downtime per week – Data from Dun & Bradstreet.
    • The average cost of downtime per minute for small businesses is $427 and $9,000 for larger enterprises – SolarWinds.
    • The average number of IT downtime incidents encountered by U.S. businesses is 12 per year – Veeam

    The cost of each outage concerns each company differently. But these eye-popping statistics have raised a concern among leaders of all modern businesses.

    As a leader, are you able to address the rising challenges of IT infrastructure?

    If your answer is yes, then there it is perfectly fine.

    But if your answer is no, then you should reconsider your approach.

    • As a solution, are you searching for ways to propel your business into the digital age of expensive downtimes and disruptions?
    • Do you want your IT infrastructure operations to be consistently efficient, scalable, and resilient?

    If so, IT infrastructure consulting services are your golden ticket.

    We know you have lots of WHATs, WHYs, and HOWs.

    Sit back and relax!

    By the end of this read, you will find answers to most of your questions.

    Today, you’ll read about –

    • What does IT infrastructure consulting truly entail?
    • Is it meant for you?
    • What IT Infrastructure solutions cover?
    • Why should you consider partnering with an IT infrastructure consultant right now?
    • How do you benefit from IT infrastructure consultancy?
    • What are the risks of delaying your partnership with a reliable consultant?
    • With a bonus: Who’s the leading IT infrastructure services partner in the USA?

    Let’s dive into these questions to unveil the genuine value and benefits of investing in IT infrastructure services today.

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    IT Infrastructure Consulting – What is it & Do You Need It?

    A perfect definition of IT Infrastructure Consulting would be to have a skilled guide for a complex journey which is essential for the success of your organization.

    But if you wonder “whether you really need it in first place?”.

    Then let’s try to understand with a quick example


    As a Head of the team or CIO, imagine yourself as a ship’s captain, navigating you ship in the sea of digital era

    The ship, here, is your organization, and the sea represents the dynamic field of technology.

    Just as the ship needs a robust, flexible structure to withstand rough seas, your company requires a robust IT infrastructure to survive and thrive in the digital landscape.


    Now you know why you need IT infrastructure services, it’s time to understand what IT infrastructure consultancy truly entails.

    IT Infrastructure consulting is about helping you strategize, build, and maintain that vigorous structure.

    It involves a team of specialized network consultants assessing your current IT Infrastructure, keeping an eye on bottlenecks and vulnerabilities, and then promptly strategizing and implementing improvements.

    Let’s understand the role of IT infrastructure services with the help of an example.


    Imagine having a dedicated team of seasoned IT experts, strategizing and executing strategic solutions. Solutions that are designed to promptly fulfil your unique needs of IT infrastructure.

    IT Infrastructure Consultants, who help you navigate through the complexities of your IT infrastructure. They provide you with a 360-degree support for everything from system integration to network security.


    Sounds like a heavy weight lifted off your shoulders, right?

    That’s precisely what you get under the umbrella of IT infrastructure consulting services.

    Wondering – “What IT Infrastructure services and solutions cover?”

    The IT Infrastructure consulting services span diverse IT facets, like

    IT Infrastructure services

    • Cloud services
    • Disaster recovery
    • Data management
    • Network architecture
    • Software development
    • Compliance management
    • Vulnerability management
    • Infrastructure optimization
    • Application security assessment, etc.

    Here’s another real-life example for better understanding.

    For instance, consider you are an IT Infrastructure head of a manufacturing company that relies heavily on iSeries technology.

    Problem: Your team recently witnessed a series of downtimes resulting in –

    • Disturbed production schedules
    • Delayed shipments
    • And increased operational costs

    Solution: Frustrated fighting IT infrastructure woes all by yourself, you decided to invest in IT infrastructure services from one of the best IT infrastructure consulting providers in the USA.

    Result: The investment proved to be a game-changer for your business.

    The IT infrastructure consultant helped you optimize the system for improved performance. They also streamlined integration with other IT Infrastructure tools and technologies. They didn’t stop there, they also provided guidance on updates and migrations when required.

    As a result, your company is now functioning more efficiently, securely, and with increased adaptability.

    This led to a more promising use of your IT budget and an ROI increase of 3X.

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    With the IT infrastructure consultants shouldering these responsibilities, IT leaders like you can shift your focus from day-to-day operational challenges to strategic tasks and decision-making.

    Basics done and dusted?

    Moving on, let’s understand the integral role that an IT infrastructure company plays in strengthening your business’s IT infrastructure.

    How Important are IT Infrastructure Consultants for Your Business?

    Can You Thrive Without Them?

    An IT infrastructure consulting partner is like a master architect of your IT infrastructure.

    They help you –

    • Design the blueprint for your IT infrastructure operations
    • Create a strategic plan
    • Understand bottlenecks
    • Ensure its successful implementation
    • Followed by ongoing maintenance

    Here’s a closer look at what investing in IT infrastructure services companies means for your business.

    Strategic Planning

    IT Infrastructure consultants bring their expertise to understand your unique challenges and design a tailored IT strategy. They consider your current systems, business objectives, and industry trends to draft a strategic roadmap.

    Let’s understand it better with the help of an instance.

    For instance, your organization still heavily relies on on-premises servers.

    The IT infrastructure experts may recommend transitioning to cloud-based platform to tackle the challenge of accessibility and scalability.

    System Integration

    The best IT infrastructure consulting providers ensure seamless integration of various IT systems. It’s a crucial task when dealing with AS400 iSeries or Microsoft Dot Net technologies.

    The IT infra services provider harmonizes different software, hardware, and services to function as unified entities, promoting efficiency, and consistency in your IT operations.

    Security and Compliance

    An IT Infrastructure consultant strongly emphasizes data security and regulatory compliance.

    They employ best practices to safeguard your data and help you meet industry-specific regulations. All this while reducing the risk of costly data breaches and penalties.

    Optimization and Upgrades

    You may already be busy managing customers and your business. You cannot focus your efforts on IT operations also. Right?

    That’s where IT infrastructure consulting partners walk in.


    • It’s a software upgrade
    • A shift to cloud from on-premises environment
    • Or using the latest tech for better efficiency

    They ensure your IT environment remains up-to-date, secure, and performs optimally.

    Troubleshooting and 24X7 IT Infrastructure Support

    We are living in the age of innovation, but the real beast is cyber vulnerabilities.

    Each time an IT infrastructure issue arises, you cannot pause everything to fix it, right?

    Whatever the issue is – the IT Infrastructure Support Teams have got your back.

    They promptly identify, rectify, and futureproof your IT infrastructure.

    Their quick response ensures minimal disruption to your operations, helping you maintain business continuity and sustain customer trust.

    In essence, a reliable IT infrastructure consultant acts as a pillar of support for your IT operations. They elevate your technological capabilities, security, and efficiency with proactive solutions.

    By entrusting them with these responsibilities, you can confidently direct your focus on strategic decision-making and business growth.

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    Wondering what it is like without them?

    Without a reliable IT infrastructure solutions provider by your side –

    • You feel like something is missing but can’t really find it.
    • You watch your customers leave while you’re giving the best.
    • You see the business grow while your IT system lags.
    • Your employees are stuck solving IT problems, distracted from their primary tasks.
    • You welcome new IT challenges while still trying to solve the old ones.
    • You deal with frequent downtimes and may even start predicting them.
    • You cross your fingers and hope the cyber villains don’t get to know about your IT infrastructure’s weak links.

    Could you relate?

    If so, IT infrastructure consultation services are the best bet that you can take!

    Next up – let’s explore why leaders around the world are investing in IT infrastructure consulting and you should too.

    Why are Leaders Investing in IT Infrastructure Consulting and You Should Too?

    Does your IT infrastructure undergo frequent slowdowns, drop-offs, or security concerns?

    If so, IT infrastructure consultancy is the right choice for you.

    Let’s look at how leaders are benefitting from IT infrastructure solutions, and you can too.

    Proactive IT Management

    Reactive IT management is like waiting for a tap to flood your kitchen before fixing it.

    With a IT infrastructure consulting services provider, you can find and prevent issues before they are a big deal.

    Assume that you are a new business setting up an IT infrastructure.

    Instead of waiting for issues to arise, the IT infrastructure consultant makes sure to build a solid system. Through detailed monitoring, they spot potential weak links or performance issues in advance and resolve them before they escalate.

    This proactive approach leads to fewer disruptions, smoother operations, and improved efficiency.

    Ready Access to Expertise

    7 out of 10 technology leaders we talk to for IT infrastructure consulting cited a common challenge – finding talent that fits like a glove!

    Won’t you agree?

    With IT infrastructure consulting services, it is not even a challenge.


    The IT infrastructure consulting firms provide you with an entire team of IT infrastructure specialists with varied skillsets and expertise.

    The best part?

    You can handpick the team members and get started within 2 days – 2 weeks.

    Sounds too good to be true right?

    Whether you’re dealing with iSeries, Microsoft Dot Net, or any other technology, the IT infrastructure services companies bring you the right talent without any hassle.

    It’s like having a full IT department by your side without having the managerial overheads.

    Improved Cost-Efficiency by 4X

    Yes, you read that right!

    Partnering with IT infrastructure services companies helps you reduce your IT costs dramatically.

    Allow us to explain.

    • They enable low up-front investment by providing scalable solutions that grow with your business.
    • They help you reduce expenses on recruitment, training, retention, and benefits associated with hiring and maintaining an in-house IT infrastructure staff.
    • With predictable monthly fees, budgeting becomes simpler and more accurate for you as decision-makers.
    • Also, they help you prevent system failures and reduce costly fixes that solve the problem temporarily.

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    Enhanced Security and Compliance

    The IT infrastructure consultants are the true godsends when it comes to securing your IT systems.

    IT infrastructure services providers equip certified professionals.

    They possess proven expertise in offering focused solutions to fill gaps and optimize security stature.

    No matter what the shape or nature of your business is, the right IT infrastructure services partner will always protect your system – with proper disaster recovery plans and relevant security compliances.


    • Are you expanding your team?
    • Launching a new product?
    • Or experiencing a sudden spike in demand?

    The IT infrastructure consultants seamlessly accommodate these changes without significant delays.

    Long story short: The reason why growing number of leaders are investing in IT infrastructure consultation services is because –

    • The best IT Infrastructure consulting providers deliver comprehensive, cost-effective, and flexible solutions to promptly address your IT Infrastructure challenges.
    • By partnering with the right IT infrastructure consultants, you are empowered to focus on your core competencies, leaving the intricate IT woes to the experts.

    Now you know why many leaders prefer IT infrastructure consulting.

    Should your company also resort to IT infra services today? Or keep it for tomorrow?

    Read ahead and decide.

    Are IT Infrastructure Consulting Services Meant for You?

    Do you think, “IT infrastructure consultation is just for big enterprises?”

    Every business, young and big, needs dedicated IT infrastructure support.

    Technology is an integral part of modern businesses. And without IT infrastructure consulting your business is missing the 4th wheel of a well-oiled machine.

    This support can boost a small company trying to stay competitive and help a growing company expand efficiently.

    Here are the top reasons why you should invest in IT infrastructure services today, instead of tomorrow.

    (They may sound repetitive, but they are not!)

    Ready Access to Top-Notch IT infrastructure Expertise

    Partnering with IT infrastructure companies today means you have ready access to a large pool of experts. These professionals carry hands-on experience across various technologies, including iSeries/IBM i and Microsoft ecosystems.

    They keep up with the latest technology trends and continually enhance their skills to meet your emerging IT infrastructure needs.

    Whether your requirements are common or highly specialized, an extended IT Infrastructure consulting team will have the expertise and resources to manage them effectively.


    Picture this – You’re migrating your iSeries operations to the Microsoft Azure cloud. With the expertise of AS400 professionals, you experience an effortless transition to Azure.

    The 24X7 IT infrastructure consultants guide you through the journey and take care of the common pitfalls. Further they reduce the time required for migration.

    This ensures a smooth transition, minimal disruption and maximizes the benefits of AS400 migration to the cloud.

    As a result, you start reaping the benefits of Microsoft Azure sooner than later.


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    Cost Savings by 4X

    Partnering with IT infrastructure services companies results in substantial cost savings.

    We’re not stating this in air.

    With IT infrastructure consultancy, you bear expenses only for the services you need.

    This can further be adjusted according to your changing business needs.

    This flexibility reduces expenses related to the recruitment, training, and other overheads of maintaining an in-house IT infrastructure team.

    It further helps you plan your IT budget.

    Most of these IT Infrastructure consulting firms either charge monthly or an annual fix fee.

    This gives you a clear overview of your IT infrastructure expenditure, enabling more strategic decision-making and effective resource allocation.

    It helps you in decision-making and resource allocation as this gives you an overview of your IT Infrastructure overheads.

    If you postpone IT Infra services to tomorrow, you must bear the cost of missed opportunities and the cost of inflation.

    Better Focus on Core Business Activities

    It helps you focus more on what’s more important, allocating the IT Infrastructure responsibilities to your IT Infrastructure Consultants.

    If you invest in IT infrastructure solutions today, you get –

    • Time to focus on strategic planning
    • Product innovation
    • Improved customer service
    • Time to focus on other critical areas crucial for your business growth
    • Robust IT infrastructure, plus more.

    The best part?

    This division of labor ensures your IT infrastructure, network, data center, users and customers, and business operations receive the attention and expertise they deserve.

    Picture this– As a CTO or CIO, instead of worrying and dealing with routine IT Infrastructure management tasks, you’re focusing on

    • Strategizing your business’s digital transformation
    • Exploring new business avenues to expand
    • And building strategic partnerships.

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    Promise of Scalability and Flexibility

    As your business grows, and so do your IT Infrastructure needs.

    And you may need more storage capacity, increased computing power, or a larger network.

    With IT infrastructure consulting and network management services you enjoy highly scalable and flexible solutions.

    The experts build IT infrastructure solutions that grow with your business, so you don’t have to knock on their door for frequent adjustments.

    Here’s an example for better understanding.


    Let’s say, your company is suddenly seeing a significant increase in data usage.

    The IT Infrastructure services companies promptly increase your storage and processing capacity to meet this demand.

    Along with storage, they also strengthen your security stature to prevent potential cyber-attacks.

    This flexibility and scalability allow your IT infrastructure to evolve with your business always meeting your current demands. All this happens without significant delays or financial investments.


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    24X7 IT Infrastructure Support

    A reliable IT infrastructure company typically provides round-the-clock support.

    They ensure that no matter when an issue arises, a dedicated team of IT infrastructure professionals is available to promptly resolve it.

    In a world where even a few minutes of downtime leads to havoc, having 24/7 IT Infrastructure support for your IT infrastructure is game-changing.

    Understand it better with an example.


    Let’s say your critical server failed in the middle of the night.

    Thankfully, you have already invested in IT infrastructure support services.

    Your dedicated IT infrastructure consulting team immediately springs into action.

    The 24X7 IT Infrastructure Consultant diagnoses the cause, resolve the issue and bring the system back to its optimum performance.

    This level of support gives you peace of mind, knowing that your IT infrastructure is always in capable hands.

    If you had delayed investing in IT infrastructure consultancy, you’d face a more severe impact than you can imagine.


    Greater Security and Compliance Stature

    With a reliable IT infrastructure solution provider by your side, you don’t have to wait for the cyber-attack to occur – there beforehand security audits and vulnerabilities secure your system before they even become a problem.

    The IT Infrastructure consultants help you to be compliant with the standard & advanced security measures, making you relevant with compliances and, hence ensuring the top-notch security.

    This reduces your infrastructure’s exposure to risk and frees you from the complexities of managing security and compliance yourself.

    Here’s an example for better understanding


    Let’s say, your healthcare operations involve handling sensitive patient data and need airtight data protection.

    IT infrastructure consultants with healthcare expertise understand your challenges and take strict measures. They deploy robust security measures, such as encryption, firewalls and intrusion detection systems while ensuring compliance with the required regulations.

    They also provide regular security audits and reports, helping you demonstrate your compliance to regulators and stakeholders.


    If you delay the investment until tomorrow, not only is your security posture vulnerable but your business operations and customer trust are also at great risk.

    Given these compelling reasons, it’s clear that you must invest in IT Infrastructure services, solutions and consulting partner today, instead of tomorrow.

    However, the choice of IT infrastructure solution provider decides the success of your initiative.

    Are you looking for a reliable IT infrastructure consulting partner, in the USA?

    Your search ends at Integrative Systems.

    Integrative Systems – IT Infrastructure Consulting Partner of Your Choice

    At Integrative Systems, we don’t merely offer IT infrastructure services. We offer a technology partnership and deliver tailored solutions that fit your unique business needs and goals.

    Our vast expertise in iSeries and Microsoft technologies and our commitment to excellence sets us apart.

    Statistics -

    • 15+ Years of IT Infrastructure Experience
    • 34+ Numbers of Projects
    • 28+ Microsoft Certified Experts
    • 42+ IBM i / AS400 Certified Experts

    Partnership / Certifications

    Here are some reasons to choose Integrative Systems for your IT infrastructure support, and consulting needs.


    • Experienced Team, as we believe only a skilled team can drive effective solutions.
    • Proactive Approach, as we believe in preventing issues before they occur.
    • Customer-Centric Solutions, as we understand that each business is unique.
    • Commitment to Security, as we understand top-notch security is non-negotiable.
    • 24/7 Support, as we know, continuous support is essential for uninterrupted operations.

    In a world increasingly dependent on technology, partnering with Integrative Systems for your IT infrastructure consulting needs will prove to be a strategic move towards – robust, efficient, secure, and IT Infrastructure.

    Consider looking at the list of IT Infrastructure services we offer –

    • IT Infrastructure Consulting
    • 24X7 IT Infrastructure Support
    • 24/7/365 Helpdesk & Technical Support
    • Managed Network /Server/ Data Center Management
    • Managed Cloud Infrastructure
    • IT Security and Compliances
    • Back up & Disaster Recovery
    • IT Asset Management

    Drop us a line at [email protected], and help us help you unlock your IT Infrastructure and business potential together.

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