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IBM i/AS400 Modernization Services

Modernize your IBM i applications to stay relevant today, and tomorrow!

Let your IBM i applications & IT needs evolve alike with AS400 modernization. While you focus on business growth, let out AS400 experts modernize your AS400 applications to be Future-Ready.

How Can we help you with AS400 Modernization?

What brings you here?

The anxiety of growing disconnect between your IT needs & legacy IBM i applications?

The frustration of faltering performance of IBM i applications & degrading user productivity?

Worries of weakened security standards of your IBM i ecosystem, increasing possibilities of data breach?

Fear of losing the existing AS400 investments over a technological overhaul?

Let’s figure it out for you!

Connect With our Experts 
to get all Your Answers

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    What are the Challenges of AS400 Modernization?

    About 57% of IBM i users surveyed cited AS400 application modernization as a top concern ~ As per 2025 IBM i Marketplace Survey by Fortra.

    As a strategic IT leader, you wouldn’t wish to end up in the remaining 43%.

    AS400 modernization involves intricate challenges – undeniably. But, despite these challenges, 57% of IBM i users surveyed are prioritizing the change.

    Let’s understand the odds of IBM i modernization, first.

    Lack of AS400 Knowledge

    AS400 modernization without in-depth system expertise is like shooting in the dark. Day-by-day, scarcity of IBM i professional is becoming a concern for CTOs.

    Lack of Clear AS400 Modernization Plan

    Lack of direction can turn your AS400 modernization into chaos. A well-articulated IBM i modernization strategy is prudent to align your modernization goals with evolving IT demands.

    Mitigation of Data Migration Risks

    Data is the lifeblood of your business. AS400 modernization involves migration of voluminous data to a new environment. It’s essential to assess the risks and keep security & compliance in check.

    Slippage of Modernization Schedule

    Realize, delays in AS400 modernization have a direct impact on user productivity & ROI. It’s essential to spot dependencies, complexities, and integration hurdles, beforehand.

    Lack of Budget for Modernization Journey

    AS400 modernization seems a costly affair with a lack of adequate financial planning. As a CTO, you must plan for a scalable modernization plan, ensuring no-to-low disruption daily operations.

    Fear of Change Management

    Resistance to change stagnates progress. It’s essential to assess user readiness for change before AS400 modernization. Structured change management plan & user training helps relieve the learning curve.

    Why Should you Consider AS400 Application Modernization?

    AS400 application modernization is a low-risk and low-cost transformation that solves high-risk security and operational challenges.

    When you choose to modernize your AS400 applications, you are opening avenues for feature development and integrations.

    It’s Working but not Ready for the Future!

    In the software programming community, there is a famous saying – “If it works, don’t touch it!”

    You have been using IBM i/AS400 applications for decades now. But how long do you think you can make it with the legacy systems?

    To cope with the evolving user expectations, you must modernize AS400 applications. This simple yet powerful transformation enables your AS400 system to be future-ready.

    You are Heavily Invested in Your Tech!

    As a CIO/CTO, you must agree that you have invested a lot of money, time, and energy alongside blood, and sweat in shaping AS400 systems.

    No doubt, your IBM i/AS400 applications have helped you extract greater value for your investments. But, on the contrary, the increasing security risks and maintenance costs are becoming a reason for sleepless nights!

    AS400 modernization is the safest and most cost-effective way to make your investments count!

    User Experience is Upsetting the Users!

    Your IBM i/AS400 users are at the forefront to drive growth and revenue.

    There is no way on earth with which an unsatisfied user can bring you growth.

    AS400 green screen applications restrict the users with limited access to features and affect their productivity drastically.

    AS400 green screen modernization helps you attain a top-notch user experience for your IBM i users.

    What Immediate Benefits AS400 Modernization Offers, done Today?

    Here’s a snapshot of top concerns cited by IBM i users in 2025 IBM i Marketplace Survey by Fortra –

    • Cybersecurity – 77%
    • IBM i Skills – 60%
    • Application Modernization – 57%
    • High Availability – 49%
    • Compliance & Regulations – 38%

    Delaying or deferring AS400 modernization has no significant benefits. But, if you modernize your IBM i applications, you can address all the concerns mentioned above.

    Let’s look at the immediate benefits of AS400 application modernization.

    Align IT Objectives with Business Needs

    87% of business leaders think that digital transformation will disrupt their industry.

    Are you preparing to get disrupted or transform & evolve?

    IBM i application modernization sets you up for growth and scale. It provides an opportunity to future-proof your IT ecosystem & gain a competitive edge.

    According to one survey of 1010 CIOs, digital transformation leadership is one of the main priorities for CIOs in 58% of companies.

    IBM i modernization is the front-runner in your journey for digital transformation. It opens avenues like external system integrations, 5250 green screen modernization, and data security enhancements.

    An average employee is productive for 2 hours 53 minutes in a working day.

    Executives spend 16 hours a week on administrative tasks.

    These numbers mirror the sight that often goes unnoticed – the time wasted on tedious compliances.

    These numbers display what often goes unnoticed – time wasted on tedious, labor-intensive business processes.

    Complex business processes cost you much more than you think. AS400 modernization provides an opportunity to optimize and automate mundane processes.

    This enables you to divert the manual efforts to core business objectives.

    Achieve 10X Productivity

    Reduce Security Risks

    According to a study, about 20% of IBMi systems fail to follow the security best practices recommended by IBM.

    Cybersecurity is the top security concern as reported by 72% of IBMi users.

    Too much access and authority, Network Access Control, User Account Security, Poor Monitoring, Malware Vulnerability, and whatnot. If we start listing the security threats, this is just the beginning!

    Use AS400 modernization as an opportunity to eliminate security risks, all at once. Establish stringent security protocols & compliance standards, for uninterrupted growth.

    A strategic approach toAS400/IBM i application modernization helps attain operational supreme with considerable cost savings.

    Here’s what you gain –

    • 14% hike in the annual revenue
    • 15-35% of year-on-year cost savings on infrastructure
    • 74% of lowered costs of hardware, software, and staff
    • 30-50% of lowered maintenance and operational costs
    • About 10% enhancement in application operational efficiency

    Investments in operational maintenance are like paying the recurring interest for the loan that you already paid in full. Despite being too good to be true, there is no way to avoid it.

    Costs burned towards operations & maintenance are like the recurring interest paid toward a loan you already paid off! Despite the fact, there’s no way to avoid it.

    If you wish to save costs in the long run, the best thing you can do is – optimize costs with AS400 modernization.

    Cut Down Operational Costs

    Lend a Better User Experience to Your Users

    According to a survey conducted in 2022, 70% of IBMi users out of 800 enterprises relying on IBMi applications, had a goal of GUI (Graphical User Interface) modernization.

    Outdated user interfaces are still a top concern for IBM i/AS400 users, globally. And it’s time to act upon it.

    Delaying AS400 modernization for the green screens is like creating leeway for lowered productivity and degrading performance.

    It’s the users who are facing the systems day-in-day-out. Modernization in time will help you lend a better user experience and achieve 10X productivity.

    The global business software and services market size was valued at USD 429.59 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.7% from 2022 to 2030.

    Besides the ramping up software services market, there are challenges such as –

    • Increased Security Risks
    • The growing scarcity of IBM i talent
    • Increasing Infrastructural & Maintenance Costs

    A stitch in time will save nine. And now is the right time to set out your IBM i/AS400 application modernization roadmap.

    Doing it now will save you considerable operational costs, administrative costs, and modernization costs. Versus, if you choose to do it later, you will have to burn on costs, time, and energy.

    Avoid Overpaying for AS400 Modernization, Later

    AS400 Modernization Services offered by Integrative Systems

    With over two decades in business, we have prioritized our customers’ success, always. Here’s our portfolio of AS400 modernization services for you to choose based on your modernization objectives.

    Application Modernization & Support Services

    Modernize your IBM i applications with no-to-low disruption. Our AS400 experts help revamp obsolete workflows, optimize performance, and provide active support for 24 x 7. Prepare your AS400 applications to cope with your evolving IT needs.

    AS400 GUI Modernization

    Upgrade your AS400 green screens with AS400 GUI modernization. Our IBM i experts help upgrade outdated interfaces into intuitive GUI. Achieve 10x productivity, and double the user satisfaction with improved accessibility, and modern integrations.

    AS400 Modernization Consulting

    Uncertain if AS400 modernization would be a success? We have your back! Our seasoned IBM i consultants assess your IBM i applications and devise a strategic plan for the upgrade. The goal is to help you modernize with clarity, control, and no-to-low risk.

    Database Modernization & Upgrade

    We realize the value of legacy data. Upgrade your AS400 database for enhanced scalability, safety, and real-time accessibility. Our IBM i experts help attain enhanced database accessibility, seamless data transmission, and future-proof infrastructure.

    RPG Modernization

    Is outdated RPG code causing inefficiencies? We modernize RPG applications by refactoring legacy code, integrating with APIs, and enabling cloud capabilities—empowering your AS400 system for a digital-first future.

    Hire IBM i Experts

    Lack of in-house expertise? Hire seasoned IBM i professionals to accelerate modernization. Our AS400 developers, architects, and consultants bring deep industry expertise to streamline upgrades, integrations, and long-term innovation.

    What's Integrative Systems Approach for IBM i Modernization?

    Thinking how Integrative Systems ensures IBM application modernization success?

    Here’s a granular-level breakdown for you.

    Assess IBM i/AS400 Applications

    • Decode the functional specifications
    • Analyze the current infrastructural environment
    • Understand the technology stack
    • Check for the third-party API dependencies
    • Analyze the database management capabilities & volume of transactions
    • Check for the security measures implemented
    • Derive the development complexity
    • Define the scope of work

    Implementation & Data Migration

    • Get the plan of action validated
    • Devise the mapped objectives across the team
    • Define the timeline for deliverables
    • Reporting the progress
    • Development & removal of unused code
    • Execute third-party & API integrations
    • End-to-end testing of IBM i applications
    • Proceed with data migration
    • Set up sync process for active data

    Test the System Post IBMi Modernization

    • Test the infrastructural & environmental fit for modernized IBM i applications
    • Validate the IBM i application performance
    • Check for challenges reported and fix them
    • Perform load testing
    • Ensure security procedures are implemented correctly
    • Validate data migration

    Discuss the Scope & Priorities

    • Outline IBM i modernization specifications (your inputs & our observations)
    • Scope of work validation
    • Risk assessment
    • Outline execution priorities
    • Finalize the scope of work

    Support & Maintenance

    • Document the newly implemented features
    • Conduct user training for modernized IBM i applications
    • Monitor performance of modernized IBM i applications
    • Report challenges and get them fixed
    • Timely conduct system audits to record uncertain performance deviations

    Plan for Modernization

    • Define high-level & low-level objectives for IBM i modernization
    • Form teams for different execution objectives (development, performance, UI, database, quality)
    • Plan for third-party & API integrations
    • Risk management & mitigation planning
    • Plan for swift data migration

    Frequently Asked Questions about AS400 Modernization

    1. What are the common issues in AS400 Modernization?

    Ans: The major challenges in AS400 Modernization include data migration issues, legacy code transformation, ensuring backward compatibility, and managing the migration timeline cost-effectively.

    2. How can I evaluate the ROI of AS400 Modernization?

    Ans: ROI can be calculated in terms of increased productivity, reduced maintenance costs, and improved customer satisfaction, among other factors. It is essential to define KPIs specific to your company.

    3. Is it possible to retain my existing AS400 infrastructure and still modernize it?

    Ans: Yes, phased AS400 modernization can help you retain your existing AS400 infrastructure. You can retain certain aspects of your existing infrastructure while you upgrade the necessary.

    4. Is AS400 Modernization cost-effective?

    Ans: Yes, AS400 modernization can be a cost-effective alternative to replacing your entire system. It allows you to leverage existing investments while adapting to modern capabilities.

    5. What is AS400 modernization?

    Ans: AS400 modernization refers to the process of transforming the IBM i green screens, and legacy code bases to cope with evolving business needs. The modernized applications can run on various browsers, cross-platform operating systems, and mobile devices.

    6. What should I do to modernize my AS400 system?

    Ans: Consider an upgrade for your hardware & software as the latest AS400 systems offer enhanced performance and scalability. Also, ensure your operating system is up to date. Move your AS400 applications and data to a cloud platform for flexibility & cost savings. Invest in user-friendly interfaces with intuitive web-based interfaces and mobile apps to encourage wider adoption within your organization.

    7. Why choose Integrative Systems for AS400 development and modernization?

    Ans: Integrative Systems brings deep expertise in AS400 development and modernization, offering tailored solutions to enhance performance, security, and scalability. With a customer-first approach, seamless integration capabilities, and a proven track record, we ensure a smooth transition while maximizing ROI. Our team delivers cost-effective, future-ready solutions without disrupting core operations.

    8. Why choose AS400 modernization?

    Ans: AS400 modernization improves system efficiency, enhances user experience, reduces maintenance costs, and ensures compatibility with modern technologies. It strengthens security, boosts performance, and allows seamless integration with cloud and web applications. By modernizing, you can future proof your IBM i systems while maintaining reliability and extending their lifespan.

    Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] & we will be happy to help you.
    We look forward to prioritizing your success and transforming the way you do business.

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