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AS400 Application GUI Modernization

Let the Green Screens Go!

While you focus on visualizing growth, let our experts free you up from age-old green screens with our AS400 GUI modernization capabilities.

AS400 Application GUI Modernization Services
Achievements of Integrative Systems

What brings you here?

Are those green screen monitors holding you back from scaling up?

Do you think your team still spends a lot of time on administrative tasks that can be automated?

Are you losing the competitive edge due to lowered productivity and total turn-around time?

 AS400 application GUI modernization can help you get to the top of your game!

Let’s figure it out for you!

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to get all Your Answers

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    Why consider GUI modernization for your AS400, now?

    My AS400 Applications are Old, Slow, and Failing

    • AS400 iSeries has now existed for 30 years and counting. This technology enables computing for you and your business. It provided you with robustness and security like no other technology in the world.
    • On the contrary, you kept on postponing the upgrade and IBM i modernization, without being much concerned about the degrading performance of the system.
    • It’s time for the system to rejuvenate and reinvent its processing capabilities. So that, it can empower your changing business needs.
    GUI modernization for AS400
    AS400 Application GUI Modernization

    I am unable to keep up with the pace of change with my AS400

    I am spending too much time on administrative tasks!

    The lack of automation is an open invitation to double the administration!

    Why did you choose computing with AS400 iSeries?

    Today, when you have a comprehensive technology setup to streamline your workflows, what do you think makes you spend more time on administrative tasks? 

    It’s not the system. It’s you!

    How? Because you let the system go obsolete.

    A solid AS400 modernization strategy to streamline and balance the administrative workload can put you at ease.

    AS400/IBMi Modernization GUI Services
    Modernized AS400 GUI

    My AS400 restricts users from the Freedom of Accessibility

    What you gain with AS400 Application GUI Modernization?

    A Boost in Productivity

    An average employee is productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes a day. That is 31% of an average 8-hour workday. Green-Screens going away is like a 360-degree change for your IBM i users. AS400 green screen modernization makes the way for modern user-interface design, unearthing innumerable integration opportunities. By all the means your AS400 applications are tuned to lend a better user interface and achieve 10x the productivity.

    Improved Multi-Tasking with Swift Accessibility

    About 86% of employees lose approximately 18 hours a month due to IT issues. In the case of the AS400 iSeries, the inability to switch between processes becomes a bottleneck. AS400 modernization enables business process optimization for tightly coupled business functions. Ultimately, with the modernized AS400 GUI, IBM i users can leverage the freedom to access a variety of AS400 applications without any hassle.

    Reduced Operational Costs

    By taking a strategic route, you can cut down heavily on operational costs.

    Here’s what you can achieve with the right AS400 Application GUI modernization strategy:

    – 14% hike in the annual revenue

    – 30-50% of lowered maintenance and operational costs

    – About 10% enhancement in application operational efficiency

    Operational cost optimization helps you make considerable cost savings in the long run.

    Web/Mobile Enablement

    Web and Mobile enablement is the significant rationale to approach AS400 Application GUI modernization.

    This enablement opens up new avenues for the accessibility of your AS400 iSeries applications and expands the reach.

    Ultimately, you can expect quicker and better turn-around from the business processes with improved accessibility and processing capacity.

    AS400 application GUI modernization enables you to access your applications through web/mobile interfaces and unlocks supercharged accessibility.

    Why choose Integrative

    as your AS400 Application GUI Modernization Partner?

    The intention. Becoming your GUI modernization partner is not about gaining popularity as the best in the business, but to help you achieve the best for your business.
    AS400 Application GUI Modernization Partner

    We build to heal your pain

    We endeavor to become your partner in making your AS400 GUI modernization a success.

    We make sure we help you identify the shortcomings in your business applications and turn them into opportunities to improvise.  

    Our goal is to help you succeed, first.


    We listen & build what you need

    We understand that nobody other than you and your IBM i users understands your AS400 iSeries better. 

    And, no one better than you can spell the problems to us.

    You are never shoe-horned into random solutions. We offer holistic solutions tailored to your unique business needs.


    We Put You First, Always!

    Like we always do, we prioritize your success first!

    The goal is to make success together and not to have yet another testimonial in our belt of success stories.

    We believe in helping you in through understanding your AS400 iSeries better & make it faster.

    Our Approach for AS400 Application GUI Modernization?



    Plan for GUI Modernization

    Improvise & Support


    Our Approach for AS400 Application GUI Modernization?

    AS400 Application


    AS400 Modernization GUI


    Plan for GUI Modernization

    Plan for GUI Modernization

    AS400 GUI Modernization


    AS400 Modernization Services

    Improvise & Support

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is AS400 Application GUI modernization?

    Ans:  AS400 GUI modernization is the process of modifying the user interface for AS400 applications. It’s an opportunity to create an aesthetically modern and intuitive user interface for AS400 users. With the modernized user interface, you can reap benefits like boosted productivity and enhanced operational efficiency.

    2. Why should I consider GUI modernization for my AS400 applications?

    Ans: Modernizing the GUI of your AS400 applications helps you improve overall user productivity, reduces friction in the business processes, and offers a commendable user experience. With GUI modernization, you get to leverage a modern user interface without making any major changes to your AS400 applications.

    3. What are the benefits of AS400 Application GUI modernization?

    Ans: GUI modernization empowers your AS400 applications with modern user interface technologies. In turn, it improves your application workflows, reduces friction in the operational procedures, enhances user satisfaction, and enables integration with other modern solutions.

    4. Will GUI modernization require rewriting my applications from scratch?

    Ans: AS400 GUI modernization doesn’t imply any rigorous change like rewriting your AS400 applications from scratch. It can be achieved with approaches like web enablement, refactoring, or modern UI integrations. This helps you stick with the old business logic and enhance the user interface alone.

    5. Can GUI modernization be done gradually, or does it require a full migration at once?

    Ans: The approach completely depends on your choice of conduct. If you are willing to get the GUI modernization done, all at once, it can be achieved in one go. But, considering the complexity of the mission-critical applications that your business uses, it’s suggested to go with the incremental route. An incremental approach to AS400 GUI modernization allows you the time to prioritize and migrate your AS400 applications, as per your business convenience. It also guarantees reduced operational friction and disruption.

    Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] & we will be happy to help you.
    We look forward to prioritizing your success and transforming the way you do business.

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