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AS400 Commands

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    AS400 Commands: A Comprehensive List for Developers

    • Are you an AS400 developer? Wanting to enhance your AS 400 development skills? Or looking for efficient ways to execute AS/400 tasks?


    • Are you a technical leader of your organization seeking to streamline processes and improve team productivity?

    You can pass this write-up to your AS400 team as a handy guide in their development toolkit.

    According to statistics by IBM, over 60,000 companies globally use IBM i as their base for powering their mission-critical computing-heavy applications. And they use critical AS400 commands to ensure the most effective use of the system.

    Are you ready to empower your team with these essential commands?

    You need a thorough understanding of the IBM AS400 commands that are essential for efficient AS/400 system management and performance optimization.

    So, what does this blog have for you?

    • What is Command AS400?
    • How do these AS 400 commands prove beneficial in your daily operations?
    • What are different types of AS400 iSeries Commands?
    • Why are these commands important for AS/400 users?
    • What is the ultimate AS 400 commands list?
    • What do AS400 consultants do for you?
    • And lastly, who is the leading AS400 services provider in the USA?

    as400 commands

    Let’s get going to understand what these AS400 programming commands are and how you can make the most of them.

    What Are AS400 Programming Commands?

    IBM developers wrote IBM AS400 programming commands to perform tasks such as backing up data, compiling programs, changing system configurations, and displaying or deleting system object details.

    These commands can handle system-level concerns and can be drafted for user-level applications.

    The common AS400 commands are used most of the time by programmers, system administrators, and users.

    Programming commands on the AS/400 can range from file management to job control, data manipulation, and more.

    Examples of AS400 System Commands include:

    • CRTBNDRPG: Create a bound RPG program.
    • RUNSQL: Run SQL statements.
    • CRTPF: Create a physical file.
    • CRTLF: Create a logical file.
    • STRDBG: Start debugger.
    • ENDDBG: End debugger.
    • DLTF: Delete file.

    Each AS 400 command has specific parameters that can be set to guide its function, which allows for precise control over programming tasks.

    Now, let’s understand the different sets of AS400 commands you can use for your systems.

    What are the Different Types of AS400 Commands?

    The AS400 (Application System/400) is known for its integrated operating system, IBM i, and supports different command types that cater to different aspects of system operation and management.

    Each AS400 command has the subsequent aspects:

    • Up to 10 characters
    • A mix of 2-3 truncated words
    • A verb followed by the object

    Here’s a breakdown of the various AS400 command types:

    1. AS400 CL Commands (Control Language)

    CL commands are the foundation of the AS400’s command system. They are used to interact with the operating system, control jobs, work with the database, and handle system configurations.

    These commands are recognizable by their three-letter prefixes, such as WRK for work-related commands (e.g., WRKJOBQ – work with job queues) and CRT for creation commands (e.g., CRTLIB – create a library).

    2. AS-400 SQL Commands (Structured Query Language)

    AS400 SQL commands are used to manage and manipulate databases.

    With the AS/400’s integrated DB2 database, SQL commands can perform operations such as querying data, creating tables, and managing database objects.


    Some examples of this type of AS400 system commands include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.


    3. AS 400 RPG Commands

    RPG (Report Program Generator) is a high-level programming language used on the AS 400 system for business applications.

    While RPG isn’t a command, the system includes commands like (CRTBNDRPG) to compile RPG code, (STRDBG) to debug, and manage RPG programs.

    4. AS/400 System Control Commands

    These AS400 commands are used to start and stop the system and its services, manage jobs, handle services, schedule tasks, and configure system parameters.


    For example, PWRDWNSYS command powers down the system, and STRSST command starts the system service tools.


    5. AS400 File and Member Commands

    AS/400 uses this set of commands to manage files (physical and logical) and their members (data within the files). AS400 iSeries Commands such as CRTPF (create physical file) and ADDPFM (add physical file member) fall into this category.

    As these commands are the primary interface for system interaction, you must know the important benefits of using commands in AS400 systems.

    Moving on, let’s understand why these commands are a must for users.

    Why are these AS400 System Commands Essential for AS400 Users?

    AS400 (Application System/400) stands out compared to the new computer systems operated through visual interfaces because it relies on text-based commands.

    There are multiple reasons why these commands are so crucial for AS/400 users.

    Here we have listed a few important reasons.

    Direct System Access

    AS400 commands provide a simple, direct way to communicate with the system that allows you or your team of users to perform tasks without confusion.

    It is useful for routine operations and when the AS400 developers need to be sure of the exact action being performed.

    Using commands, AS 400 eliminates the layers of menus and buttons found in GUIs, which can result in minimizing the margin of errors and help in providing desired results.


    With AS400 commands, you can set up scripts to handle tasks that need to be repeated, saving time, and ensuring things are done the same way every time by your team of AS400 programmers.

    Automation can also help you maintain consistency and precision to complete tasks that are difficult to perform manually.


    Here’s a quick example –

    For example, you can automate end-of-day processes, data backups, and system maintenance tasks using IBM i command scripts.

    Once these scripts are tested and implemented, they execute the same series of steps reliably every time they’re run.


    Repeatability ensures that processes are completed without variation, which reduces the risk of errors that can arise from manual intervention.

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    Control and Management

    The AS/400 commands give you a lot of control over the system, letting your AS400 developer/s manage how they run and change settings in a detailed way.

    This control is important for keeping the AS 400 system running smoothly and efficiently.

    Through these well-defined commands, you can manage a wide array of system functions, such as:

    Starting and stopping jobs

    Monitoring system performance

    Controlling access to various system resources

    These commands can enable your AS400 administrators to adapt to changes in workload or business requirements and implement new processes or modify existing ones, efficiently.


    Once your team of AS400 programmers get their hands on AS400 commands, they can simply rely on commands rather than navigating through a multi-step graphical interface.

    It increases the response to user input when the programmers are sitting on tight deadlines and must make quick decisions.

    IBM AS400 Commands allow for a swift execution of complex sequences that would otherwise take multiple clicks and screen transitions.

    The efficiency extends to executing batch jobs, where a single command can initiate a series of actions.

    Batch processing

    Batch processing using AS400 commands is a powerful feature that enables your team of AS400 programmers to manage large-scale data operations and automate sequences.

    You can run these Commands in groups, or in ‘batches,’ which is great for dealing with a large amount of data or performing a series of tasks under time constraints. It helps make the best use of the AS400 system’s resources and your programmer’s time.


    Let’s understand it better with the help of an illustration.

    For instance, you can automate end-of-day processing for financial transactions, batch updates, or customer records updates without manual intervention.


    The reliability of AS/400 in executing these batch commands ensures that processes are completed consistently without errors, which is crucial for maintaining data integrity and operational continuity.

    The importance of using commands is immense, but you must ensure your team of AS400 programmers have quick access to a tailored command cheat sheet.

    Keep reading to find out one-stop AS400 commands cheat sheet your team needs.

    The Ultimate AS400 Command Cheat Sheet

    We have created a quick reference guide to the most essential commands on the AS400 system.

    Whether you’re a seasoned AS 400 operator or new to the platform, this cheat sheet offers a concise and easy-to-understand summary of the key commands needed for day-to-day operations.

    Here’s a comprehensive AS400 iSeries commands list reference along with their technical purpose for your AS400 programmers:

    AS400 (OS400) CommandTechnical Purpose
    signoffEnds the current interactive session, enabling the user to log out of the AS400 system.

    go <menu name>

    eg go `main`

    Navigates the user to a specified menu (say ‘main’ menu) on the AS 400 system, facilitating access to different functionalities.


    (Add Library List Entry)

    On the AS400 system, libraries serve a purpose like databases on other platforms. This command adds a library to the library list, allowing programs and commands to access objects within that library.


    (Display Library List)

    Displays the current library list on the AS400, showing the sequence in which libraries are searched for objects.
    wrkliblInitiates a work environment in AS400 to display and manage library-related information.


    (work with active jobs)

    Provides an interface to view and manage active jobs on the AS/400, displaying detailed information about each active job.


    (Work with SPOOL files)

    Allows AS400 users to view, manage, and control the output generated by various processes on the system, known as SPOOL files.


    (work ‘print’ writer)

    Enables AS400 users to view and manage printer-related information, including the status of print writers.


    (work job queue)

    Displays information about jobs in a specified job queue, allowing AS400 users to manage and control job execution.


    (work with the job scheduler)

    Provides a view of scheduled jobs and allows users to manage and control job scheduling activities in AS-400.


    (display object)

    Displays detailed information about a specified object in the AS400, including its attributes and properties.


    (Display Program)

    Allows AS400 users to view detailed information about a specified program, including its attributes, parameters, and source details.


    (Work with User Profiles)

    Provides an interface to manage user profiles, allowing administrators to view, add, modify, or delete user profiles on the AS/400 system.


    (Change System Value)

    Enables AS400 admins to modify system-wide settings and configurations, affecting the overall behavior of the AS 400 operating system.


    (Change User Profile)

    Allows AS400 administrators to modify attributes and settings associated with a specific user profile, such as password, authorities, and special authorities.


    (Work with Message Queues)

    Provides a platform within AS400 to interact with message queues, allowing users to display, send, or delete messages within a specified message queue.


    (Create Library)

    Creates a new library on the AS/400 system, providing a logical grouping for objects and facilitating organization and management.


    (Copy File)

    Facilitates the duplication of files, allowing users to copy data from one file to another on the AS400 system.


    (Work with Files)

    Offers a comprehensive interface on AS/400 for managing files, allowing users to view, create, modify, or delete files and file members.


    (Display Physical File Member)

    Displays the contents of a specific physical file member, providing a detailed view of the data within the member.


    (Edit File)

    Opens a specified file in AS 400 for interactive editing, allowing users to modify the content directly.


    (Work with File Transfer)

    Manages file transfers between different systems, allowing users to send or receive files to and from the AS400 system.


    (Delete File)

    Removes a specified file from the AS/400 system, permanently deleting the file and its contents.


    (Delete Duplicate Objects)

    Deletes duplicate objects, providing a cleanup mechanism for eliminating redundant items on the AS400 system.


    (Create Physical File)

    Creates a new physical file on the AS-400 system, defining its structure and attributes.


    (Create Logical File)

    Generates a new logical file, allowing users to create alternate views of the data within existing physical files.


    (Change Physical File)

    Modifies the attributes and settings of an existing physical file on the AS400 system.


    (Change Authority)

    Allows AS/400 administrators to modify object-level authorities, determining the access permissions for users or groups.


    (Copy From Import File)

    Copies data from an import file into a specified physical file on the AS 400 system.


    (Work with Configuration Status)

    Provides information about the configuration status of the AS400 system, including hardware and software details.
    chgvar (Change Variable)Modifies the value of a system variable or user-defined variable on the AS400 system.
    addpfm (Add Physical File Member)Adds a new member to an existing physical file on the AS-400 system.
    rmvm (Remove Variable)Removes a specified variable, either system-defined or user-defined, from the AS/400 system.
    chgdbf (Change Data Base File)Provides a means to modify the attributes and settings of an existing database file.
    cpyfrmstmf (Copy from Stream File)Copies data from a stream file into a specified physical file on the AS400 system.
    crtrpgpgm (Create RPG Program)Creates a new RPG (Report Program Generator) program, allowing developers to write and execute business applications.
    crtsrcpf (Create Source Physical File)Allows users to create a new physical file to store source code, typically used for organizing and managing program source members.


    (Edit RPG Source)

    Opens a specified RPG source member for interactive editing, enabling developers to modify the source code of RPG programs.


    (Run Query)

    Executes a predefined or ad-hoc query on the AS 400 system, allowing users to retrieve and display data based on specified criteria.


    (Display Program References)

    Displays a list of references to a specified program, showing where and how the program is used within the AS400 system.


    (Work with Job Links)

    Allows users to view and manage job links, providing information about relationships between jobs on the AS 400 system.


    (Work with Queries

    Provides a platform to manage and interact with queries on the AS400 system, allowing users to create, modify, or run queries.


    (Work with Subsystems)

    Provides an interface to manage subsystems on the AS/400 system, allowing users to start, stop, or modify subsystems.


    (Work with Job Description)

    Allows users to view and manage job descriptions, providing details about how jobs are initiated and controlled on the AS400 system.


    (Change Job)

    Enables users to modify the attributes and settings of an active job on the AS-400 system.


    (Change Subsystem Description)

    Allows users to modify the description and attributes of an existing subsystem on the AS400 system.


    (Start TCP/IP File Server)

    Initiates the TCP/IP file server on the AS-400 system, enabling communication and file transfer over the TCP/IP protocol.


    (End TCP/IP File Server)

    Terminates the TCP/IP file server on the AS400 system, closing communication channels and stopping file transfer services.
    strsql (Start SQL)Initiates the SQL (Structured Query Language) interface on the AS400 system, allowing users to execute SQL commands and queries.
    ndsql (End SQL)Terminates the SQL interface on the AS400 system, ending the execution of SQL commands and queries.
    wrkobj (Work with Objects)Allows users to work with objects within the libraries.
    crtusrprf (Create User Profiles)Identify new user profiles within the system, allowing customization to the way system appears.
    crtoutq (Create Output Queue)Generates new output queue for spooled files.
    crtdupobj (Create Duplicate Object)Creates a copy of the existing object or a group of objects.
    crgprtf (Create Printer File)Allows users to generate new printer files for special conditions
    chgprf (Change Profile)Changes some values currently mentioned in the user profile
    dspneta (Display Network Attributes)Showcases network attributes of the system
    dspsyssts (Display System Status)Enables users to print or display data about the latest status of the AS400 system.
    dspdtaara (Display Data Area)Displays the values and attributes of the specific data area.
    edtlibl (Edit Library List)Presents an entry display where users can adjust the user portion of the library list.
    dltsplf (Delete Spooled File)Deletes the specified spooled file from the designated output queue.
    hldjobq (Hold Job Queue)Holds back the processing of all jobs currently waiting on the job queue and any new entries added to the queue after issuing the command.
    ovrdbf (Override with Data Base File)Replace a program’s specified file, adjust file parameters, or both during processing.
    call (Call Program)Calls the program named in the command and passes control to it.
    ftp (File Transfer Protocol)Employed to fetch a file from the remote system.
    rclrsc (Reclaim Resources)Allows users to re-claim the resources of the AS/400 system.

    Your AS400 developers can use the above-shared cheat sheet to improve their work on AS 400 systems and help you achieve your desired results.

    Next, you must understand the role of commands in AS400 administration and development.

    What Crucial Role Commands Play in AS400 Administration and Development?

    For AS 400 administrators, AS400 commands are the main tools for maintaining the system’s health, setting up configurations, and ensuring everything runs as it should.

    It’s like having a remote control for the entire system, where you can press buttons to start and adjust processes.

    Whereas AS400 developers can use AS400 iSeries Commands to create, edit, and manage the programs that run on the AS 400 system.

    Commands help them to quickly move through various stages of development, from writing code to testing and finally to deployment.

    If we boil it down, the iSeries commands are the foundation for improving user productivity, minimizing human errors, and for building valuable applications for your business.

    But to make the most of the commands, your AS400 programmers must be experienced in their efficient use and adept at leveraging their capabilities.

    • Do you want to maximize AS400 system commands?
    • Do you have an in-house team of AS/400 developers who struggle to optimize commands fully?
    • Or is your AS400 technical talent retiring or leaving, and you want an extended team without the burden of hiring in-house?

    Fret not!

    Engage with AS400 consulting services providers. They are AS400 experts who will guide you to make the most out of the AS400 commands for peak performance.

    Uncertain how engaging with AS/400 consultants will help?

    as400 services

    Read on to find out how a dedicated AS400 service provider proves instrumental for your business.

    How AS400 Services Providers Help Utilize AS400 Commands for Greater System Performance?

    As your business operations steadily grow, the complexities of managing your AS 400 operations also multiplies.

    This is where the expertise of AS400 experts proves instrumental.

    Here’s how they utilize AS400 programming commands for your business benefit.

    They Fine-tune AS400 Commands to Reduce Processing Time

    There are hundreds of AS-400 commands, and each command impacts the system operations differently. This is where fine-tuning becomes critical.

    The AS400 consulting experts leverage their deep expertise and specialized tools to analyze command usage patterns, identify flaws, and apply required solutions.

    This approach refines commands and improves your AS400 systems’ responsiveness and overall user efficiency.

    They Tailor Commands and Configurations to Align with Specific Business Needs

    Your team of AS/400 administrators and developers may use IBM AS400 commands but may not always have the time or expertise to utilize them fully.

    AS400 service providers step in with proven expertise and resources to precisely tailor commands and ensure alignment with your business objectives.

    They save you valuable time and guarantee top-notch performance without direct involvement of internal resources.

    They Apply Industry Best Practices for AS400 Command Usage

    Using AS 400 commands is one thing but leveraging them according to the industry standards calls for expert knowledge and endless adaptation to evolving standards.

    An expert AS400 consultant sleeps over the iSeries commands released now and then. And they strive to make the most of it for you.

    They come with a promise that your AS-400 system will run efficiently, adapt to evolving trends, and constantly deliver optimal performance, giving your business the edge it needs.

    Now that you know how an investment in AS400 services partner and AS/400 consultants pays off, let’s look at who is the leading provider of AS400 services in the United States.

    If you want to save time and ensure that your AS 400 systems are managed with professional expertise, then turn to Integrative Systems.

    Integrative Systems: Your Trusted Partner for AS400 Command Utilization and Assistance in the USA

    AS400 commands are a powerful aspect of system administration and development, offering precision, efficiency, and control.

    If your organization wants to leverage the AS/400 system commands to its fullest potential, you must rely on skilled professionals, who know the in and out of the system.

    Why Integrative Systems?

    • Our team of experienced AS400 programmers has a legacy spanning over 25 years and has consistently demonstrated unparalleled expertise and commitment.
    • We have delivered multiple AS/400 projects to global companies worldwide.
    • Our vast experience showcases our depth of knowledge and ability to use AS400 commands to their maximum potential.
    • We offer 24/7 assistance and all types of AS400 services, ensuring your IBM i/AS400 systems run seamlessly.
    • Whether it’s routine operations, enhancement requests, or addressing critical challenges, we’re always here to help.

    Let’s get talking to discuss your challenges, ideas, and aspirations.

    Drop us a line at [email protected] and our team of experts will get back to you within 2 business days.

    ibm as400 commands

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    One Reply to “AS400 Commands: A Comprehensive List for Developers”

    • Lee Jackson

      Thank you for compiling this comprehensive list of AS400 commands! It’s incredibly helpful for both developers and leaders to have quick access to these commands. I appreciate the clear explanations and examples provided. This will definitely streamline our workflow.

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