iseries Application Modernization

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    iSeries Application Modernization Helps Improve User Experience & Efficiency

    Note: We have used the terms AS400, iSeries and IBM i interchangeably keeping in mind the legacy nature of this technology and its branding changes over time. We provide solutions and services for the application side – which is currently called the IBM i)

    Have you ever wondered why your iSeries applications aren’t keeping up with your business growth?

    Or why do your IT operations seem to be more of a burden than a boon?

    According to a recent study, 75% of businesses need help with legacy systems like iSeries, hindering their ability to innovate and adapt in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

    But here’s the good news: iSeries modernization can turn the tables around.

    The process breathes new life into your legacy systems, aligning them with your current and future business needs.

    Let’s dive deeper into this transformative journey and see how it can revolutionize your IT operations.

    The Need for iSeries Modernization

    Remember the good old days when your iSeries applications were the backbone of your IT operations?

    They were reliable, robust, and got the job done. But the time is changing.

    1. The Evolution of iSeries Systems

    iSeries systems, AS/400, have been around since the 1980s. They were designed for stability and reliability, making them a popular choice for businesses across various industries.

    But as technology advanced at a breakneck speed, these systems started showing their age. They struggled to integrate with newer technologies, making it difficult for businesses to keep up with the digital transformation wave.

    2. Challenges with Legacy iSeries Systems

    Legacy iSeries systems pose several challenges in today’s dynamic IT landscape. For starters, they often operate in silos, making it difficult to share data and collaborate with other systems.

    They also need more flexibility and scalability to support rapid business growth. Plus, maintaining and upgrading these systems can be a costly affair, eating into your IT budget.

    3. The Impact on Business Operations

    These challenges can have a significant impact on your business operations. They can lead to inefficiencies, higher operational costs, and missed opportunities for innovation.

    These legacy systems can hold you back in a world where agility and innovation are key to staying competitive.

    But don’t worry; there’s a solution: iSeries modernization. The process can help you overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of your iSeries systems.

    Let’s delve deeper into what iSeries modernization entails and how it can benefit your business.

    The Benefits of iSeries Modernization

    AS400 ModernizationImagine running your business operations smoothly with efficient, flexible systems that give you a competitive edge.

    Sounds like a dream, right?

    Well, iSeries modernization can turn this dream into a reality. Let’s explore how.

    1. Operational Efficiency and Cost Reduction

    Firstly, iSeries modernization can significantly boost your operational efficiency. By modernizing, you can automate manual processes that were once time-consuming and prone to errors. It means less downtime and more productivity.

    Plus, with modernized iSeries systems, you can reduce the costs of maintaining and upgrading legacy systems. It’s like giving your IT operations a much-needed tune-up to run more smoothly and cost-effectively.

    2. Enhanced Scalability and Flexibility

    Secondly, modernized iSeries systems are like fresh air regarding scalability and flexibility. They can easily adapt to your changing business needs, whether you’re expanding your operations, launching new products, or venturing into new markets.

    The flexibility also extends to integrating with other modern technologies, making your iSeries systems a team player in your IT operations rather than a solo performer.

    3. Competitive Advantage in the Market

    Lastly, iSeries application modernization can give you a competitive edge in the market. With modernized systems, you can deliver better customer services, make data-driven decisions, and stay ahead of the curve.

    It’s like having a secret weapon that propels your business forward while your competitors try to figure out their next move.

    4. Improved Security and Compliance

    In addition to these benefits, iSeries application modernization can enhance security and compliance. Modern systems have advanced security features to protect your data and applications from threats.

    They can help you meet compliance requirements more easily, saving you from legal and financial headaches.

    5. Increased Business Value

    Finally, iSeries application modernization can increase your business value. By modernizing, you’re investing in your business’s future, making it more attractive to potential investors, partners, and customers. It signals that you’re committed to innovation and continuous improvement.

    Now that we’ve seen the benefits of iSeries modernization of your applications, let’s explore some strategies to make this transformation happen.

    Ready to dive in?

    iSeries Application Modernization Strategies

    So, you’re convinced that iSeries modernization is the way to go. But where do you start?

    Let’s explore some strategies that can guide your modernization journey.

    1. Cloud Migration: A New Home for iSeries Applications

    Think of cloud migration as moving your iSeries applications from a cramped apartment (your on-premises servers) to a spacious, modern villa (the cloud). In this new home, your applications can stretch out, grow, and adapt as your business needs change.

    Plus, you can enjoy the perks of living in the cloud, like scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. It’s like upgrading your lifestyle without breaking the bank.

    2. Application Modernization: Revamping Legacy Applications

    Application modernization is like giving your legacy applications a makeover. You’re changing their look and feel and improving their performance, usability, and compatibility with modern technologies.

    It can involve re-platforming (changing their underlying platform), re-hosting (moving them to a new environment), or even re-architecting (changing their structure or design). The result? Applications that are ready to meet the demands of today’s digital world.

    3. Choosing the Right Strategy for Your Business

    Choosing the right modernization strategy is like choosing the right path for your journey. It depends on your specific needs, goals, and resources. Cloud migration is the best fit for you, or application modernization is the way to go.

    Or you may need a combination of both. The key is carefully evaluating your options and choosing a strategy that aligns with your long-term vision.

    Managing an IBM AS/400 or an i-series environment is no small feat. Not all businesses can afford to spare it and requires expertise, time, and resources.

    So, what’s the solution? Outsourcing.

    Outsourcing your iSeries administration or application modernization to experts can unlock many benefits that propel your business to new heights.

    With our years of experience providing AS400 application solutions and services to leading corporations in the U.S., we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of outsourcing IBM i system management.

    Still on the fence? Here are a few compelling benefits of outsourcing your AS 400 application modernization to experts.

    Benefits of Outsourcing Your AS400 Administration to Integrative Systems

    1. Increased Productivity

    Outsourcing your AS400 application modernization and administration can turbocharge your business productivity in two ways. Firstly, it frees up your team to focus on core business tasks. With experts handling the technical aspects of the IBM i ecosystem, you can channel your energy toward improving your business workflow and customer service.

    Secondly, an expertly managed IBM i environment is a well-oiled machine. Tasks like recovery, backup, support, and maintenance of the AS400 systems are handled efficiently, improving productivity.

    2. Boost In ROI

    Outsourcing your IBM i modernization and infrastructure management to professionals can significantly boost your ROI. You save on hiring costs and can invest more in strengthening your core business. Plus, with a team of experts managing your IBM i landscape operations, you’re likely to see higher returns than the cost of outsourcing.

    3. Complete Security & Availability

    When outsourcing your AS400 modernization and administration, you entrust your ecosystem to experts. It means top-notch security and round-the-clock availability. You can rest easy knowing that your systems are in safe hands.

    4. Increased Scalability & Flexibility

    Outsourcing brings a level of scalability and flexibility to your iSeries modernization and administration. With a professional IBM certified service provider, you can easily scale your ecosystem and bring flexibility to your workflow. Plus, you get complete transparency and control over the processes.

    5. Room for Innovation

    Outsourcing your iSeries upgrade and administration opens up a world of innovation. You get access to a team of experts who are up-to-date with the latest advancements in IBM technology. They can bring these innovations to your business, helping you stay competitive.

    6. Experienced Resources

    Outsourcing gives you access to experienced resources. You get a team of experts with years of experience managing iSeries administration. They can help you make well-informed decisions, ensure smooth business continuity, and drive your business toward its desired outcomes.

    7. Easier IBM iSeries Systems Management

    You’ll be able to manage your iSeries systems more professionally and make the most of their potential. From IBM i hosting to operating system support, from hardware management to recovery setup, you’ll get an expert behind every task.

    An entire team of experts – from the developer to the strategist level – will help you manage and support the entire AS400 ecosystem with ease and complete data recovery in case of any data loss.

    The expert team can manage all aspects of your IBM environment, to ensure smooth operations and management of your existing AS400/iSeries systems.

    There will be swift problem evaluation and management with experts monitoring all the operations remotely. Because there’s a reputation to maintain for any top IBM i service provider in the industry, the level of professionalism and agility of execution will be at maximum compared to your in-house team of experts.

    8. Preventive Maintenance

    If you outsource your AS400 upgrade, the expert team will ensure no data loss in your company’s IBM environment.

    Proper preventive measures will be taken daily to ensure no leaks and loopholes that might drain your vital information. The experts check all the security getaways, and there’s no chance of hindrance in the software or hardware components of your IBM i system and infrastructure.

    9. 24*7 Customer Support

    You’ll get faster and 24*7 customer support because delivering a top-notch user experience is paramount for a professional expert team.

    You’ll not get this working with your in-house team as you’ll have some limitations with your employees.

    Complete customer support will help you contact an expert team anytime and anywhere and complete your work as soon as possible.

    There will be no compromise in the quality of work done, and you receive all kinds of technical, software, operational, and application support for a complete end to end AS/400 administration.

    But finding the right outsourcing partner can be hectic. That’s where you can trust Integrative Systems.

    How Integrative Systems Helps with Your iSeries Management?

    Navigating the complexities of iSeries management can be a daunting task. But with Integrative Systems by your side, it doesn’t have to be.

    With our extensive experience in IBM technologies, we can help you optimize your operations, boost productivity, and propel your business growth. Here’s how:

    1. Expert Consultation and Strategy

    Our team of seasoned iSeries experts is ready to roll up their sleeves and dive into your specific business needs and objectives. Drawing from their vast industry experience, they’ll craft a custom strategy to optimize your IBM iSeries environment.

    Whether you aim to streamline operations, bolster security, or integrate new technologies, our consultants are your trusted guides.

    2. Seamless Integration and Migration

    At Integrative Systems, we’re masters of seamlessly weaving the iSeries software into your IT infrastructure network. We also offer migration services to help you upgrade from outdated systems to the latest iSeries versions.

    Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition with minimal disruption to your operations, all while maximizing system performance and efficiency.

    3. Robust Security Measures

    We understand that data security isn’t just a priority – it’s a necessity. Our experts will fortify your iSeries environment with robust security measures to shield your data from threats. We’ve got your back, from securing your data at rest and in transit to setting up firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

    4. Ongoing Support and Maintenance

    Our commitment to you extends beyond setting up your iSeries environment for success. We offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure your systems run like a well-oiled machine.

    Whether troubleshooting system issues or providing regular software updates, our team is always ready to assist.

    5. Cost-Effective Solutions

    We believe top-tier IT services shouldn’t have a hefty price tag. Integrative Systems strives to deliver cost-effective solutions without skimping on quality.

    By entrusting your IBM iSeries management to us, you’ll save on hiring, training, and retaining an in-house team.

    Partner with Integrative Systems and experience the transformative power of expert iSeries management.

    Whether you’re a budding startup or a well-established enterprise, we have the skills, experience, and dedication to help you thrive.

    Ready to take your iSeries management to the next level?

    Contact us at [email protected], and let’s start the conversation.

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