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Integrative Systems Anniversary 2023

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    A Message from Our CEO on the Occasion of 13th Anniversary of Integrative Systems (India Operations)

    Dear Colleagues,

    To begin with, my heartiest congratulations to all on completing 13 years of prioritizing our customers’ success and helping each other to bring out the best in ourselves and supporting our co-workers while growing exponentially.

    Today, I have a secret to share with you all. A secret that has helped us paint our success, each time. We are all driven by the values that we carry and as we all know Integrative is a collective concept – that is purely fuelled by our values and dedication.

    Along with the significant and conscientious contribution by all of you, the value system that we are driven by is one of the reasons that all our customers believe in us.

    I have always thought of Integrative as an idea more than an organization. An idea that every individual can connect with and grow, be it an employee or a customer. And, I can proudly see this idea growing manifold, every passing year, with more people contributing and reaping the benefits of it.

    A Progressive Outlook of our Achievements in 2021

    Eye on the High:

    I believe that we should always eye on the high, and this time we did the same while goal setting for the year. We had set the objectives to grow 3X than what we achieved last year and with the revving spirit of the Business Development and Marketing Team, we are gliding in the right direction.

    We have chalked clear business objectives and are focused on ramping up all our teams with stellar talent to serve our clientele.

    Our strategy to outshine our competition is a little different this time – we are emphasizing being proactive than reactive to all our potential challenges and opportunities.

    We are actively cracking the code to pave the way ahead to outshine our competitors.

    The best part about us is that our clients love us because each and every individual on our team is personally invested in making our customers’ success a priority.

    We have also ramped up our IT Infrastructure support capabilities. We have secure systems, tighter firewalls, and well-defined workflows for managing our hardware, software, and connectivity better.

    We are driven by the ability to understand the pain of our customers and provide propitious solutions. It’s our approach that differentiates us!

    Leading Our Teams with Purpose, Literally

    I am delighted to announce the newest addition to our management strategies – the concept of all the leaders meeting every fortnight to discuss improvements in the ways we function and manage the workforce better.

    We are propelling and I would not refrain a bit from attributing this growth to the amazing harmony that our leaders have composed within the teams.

    I am elated to see how these driving forces of Integrative sync seamlessly and overcome any problems and setbacks. And, how we back each other during the setbacks to figure a way out. It’s simply exceptional!

    Recharged the HR

    An empowered approach became the need of the hour as the great resignation phase was thriving all around the globe. I am not denying the fact that we did suffer the loss and had to let go some of our preciously nurtured resources.

    But again, I would not refrain from pressing on our value system and egalitarian culture that helped us ride the tide.

    Personally, I wish individuals to flourish intellectually and emotionally. It’s not always about what are you capable of and how you feel about it; instead, it’s about unleashing your truest potential and being yourself. At Integrative, we have always endeavored to create a nourishing environment.

    Having said that, Integrative has empowered its Human Resouce Leadership with a futuristic outlook, as a part of the employee success initiative.

    Despite the changing work culture and the great resignation, we have been able to grow from 140 to 210 strong and, I count it as a success. Hiring has never been this focussed and better, than before.

    Culture & Team Success Initiatives

    A nourishing culture creates a drive for growth and I am glad that we supported the initiative for Culture and Team Success.

    What makes a great culture?

    I believe that great people with diverse capabilities come together to contribute to a common idea, values, and behavior and make a great culture. Just like what we have at Integrative!

    CTS initiatives enabled us to listen to – and understand each individual’s professional and personal goals. Our aim was to understand what drives them and the challenges they encounter on their personal as well as professional quest.

    It all boils down to the vision of understanding every co-worker’s personal and professional aspirations and creating an environment at Integrative, where their aspirations can find a home.

    Including The Predictive Index

    This year, Integrative has been actively recruiting top talent, and not to forget the contribution of the Predictive Index in identifying the personality traits of new hires.

    It offers a quick high-level overview of an individual’s personality and cognitive abilities to solve complex problems.

    I am pretty sure that behavioral patterns sourced by Predictive Index are helping leaders leverage all the essential traits, drives, and motivations of individuals.

    The Predictive Index not just helps in understanding a person’s strongest behaviors but also in viewing a behavior summary of the entire to align them efficiently to our growth strategies.

    It is helping in driving better workplace collaboration through an in-depth understanding of each other’s unique communication styles.

    Teams’ success depends highly on individual contributions and the correlation that team members share. Predictive Index helps in understanding relationships better and also provides tips and guides to improve relationships.

    The inclusion of the Predictive Index was a great addition to the recipe for Integrative’s success.

    Onwards and Upwards

    We are committed to prioritizing our customers’ success, and we shall continue doing the same, year by year! The zeal to innovate and provide the best-in-class solutions should never fade.

    As we are embarking on a new year today, I want all of you to recall the purpose that we are serving. We are here to understand our customers, and their pain and build empowering solutions that add value to the way they are doing business.

    One last time, Congratulations to all. Let’s pledge to support and succeed together!

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